The artist integrated live versions of the single-channel works Sums & Differences, 1978, and Full Circle, 1978, along with a tape delay segment. In the latter, two open reel-to-reel videotape recorders (VTRs) are set up about ten feet apart, recording and playing back a live camera image. The videotape forms a continuous loop through (around) the VTRs. The camera records the performer (Hill) as he walks around the system following the movement of the videotape itself. With each lap, the VTRs are halted and the performer cuts the tape, takes out a section, moves the VTRs closer together and splices the videotape back together. The process is repeated until the VTRs are side by side. Two images showing the live camera focused on the event itself and a delay of the same image (in which the time of the delay is based on the distance between the VTRs) are displayed on two monitors.
Broeker, Holger, ed. Gary Hill: Selected Works and catalogue raisonné. Wolfsburg: Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2002, GHCR 30, p. 76.
Arnolfini Arts Center, Rhinebeck, New York, April 20, 1978.
Gary Hill: Selected Works and catalogue raisonné. Wolfsburg: Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, 2002, GHCR 30, p. 76.